The Pantanal
Caiman Lodge

Where the pulse of nature thrums at its most primal
Rising from the Pantanal – Brazil’s enormous wetland, Casa Caiman beckons guests to discover a land of immense biodiversity. This century-old ranch has been transformed into 18 suites. Just a stone’s throw from Casa Caiman is Baiazinha, the lodge’s private villa which comes with six bedrooms. Baiazinha is architecturally laid out in the shape of a bird, with each of its six rooms occupying one of the bird’s wings and offering breathtaking views of the sunset over the wetlands.
Inside, every aspect of the interiors and design celebrates the region with Brazilian furniture and artwork. From here, enjoy direct access to the Pantanal, the largest wetland plain on the planet and a designated UNESCO World Natural Heritage and World Biosphere Reserve. As part of your stay at Casa Caiman, you’re entitled to daily activities ranging from Jeep safaris, Canadian canoe trips, nocturnal spotlighting and nature walks, each led by local expert naturalists. There’s also the opportunity to spot hyacinth macaw and the elusive jaguar in their natural habitat.
Casa Caiman not only allows much of its land to remain wild but also operates on a sustainable cycle involving livestock, ecotourism and environmental research. In collaboration with the NGO Onçafari, the lodge promotes photographic safaris aimed at enhancing visitors’ understanding of nature. These safaris ensure that animals maintain their wild behaviour while becoming accustomed to safari vehicles without perceiving them as a threat.
Choose between 18 delightful suites or pick Baiazinha, their exclusive private villa
Set out on exciting safaris onboard 4x4 open vehicles
Go on a nocturnal excursion to discover the nighttime habits of animals
Immerse yourself in the flora and fauna and learn more about the Pantanal
Observe jaguars in their natural habitat
The impact of your stay:
- Established in 2004, the Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Dona Aracy covers one-tenth of Caiman’s territory, encompassing 5,600 hectares.Selected with the help of University of São Paulo researchers, the reserve aims to safeguard local flora and fauna. Casa Caiman collaborates with non-profits to monitor environmental impacts and mitigate the effects of their operations in the area.
- Casa Caiman supports the preservation of wildlife in the area through various initiatives, including jaguar conservation with Onçafari, Hyacinth macaw conservation with the Hyacinth Macaw Institute, herpetofauna bioacoustics research with UFMS, bat research with the Hyacinth Macaw Institute and the ‘PPV – True Parrot Project’ for the Turquoise-fronted Parrot in Mato Grosso do Sul. They are also starting a partnership with the Tamandua Institute for Xenarthran research and conservation.
- As a guest, your stay helps support local institutions. Through funding, Casa Caiman contributes to the Associations of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional, which are dedicated to the habilitation, rehabilitation and inclusion of individuals with disabilities into Brazilian community life.

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