The Most Famous and Evocative of Mayan Ruins


Facilities & services

  • 7 rooms
  • LCD TVs
  • A/C
  • Restaurant
  • Pool
  • Spa
  • Complimentary WiFi


  • Private guided tours to:
  • Palenque
  • Tikal
  • Piedras Negras
  • Yaxchilan
  • Waxaktun
  • The paintings of Bonampak in the Lacandon Forest
  • Dos Pilas
  • Yaxha

This delightful boutique hotel lies only 3 kilometres from the ruins of Palenque, and the owner and staff really make sure you get a very personalized service during your stay.

A comprehensive menu of local excursions to the Mayan sites in the region encourages you to explore, whilst its fantastic spa will help you relax.

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Latin America

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