Published on: September 17th, 2018
Last updated: December 28th, 2023
After a couple of months getting settled in our new home, we are excited to announce our rebrand and office move. These two major events have further committed us to become a sustainable and responsible travel company, from the inside, out. Take a look at the updated and refreshed Jacada...

As a company, we strive to make sure community and conservation are at the forefront of everything we do. Over the years we’ve worked with a number of charities and partners to ensure we give back to the places and people we visit around the world.
In May last year, we took our stance on conservation further by making a commitment to carbon offset all of the flights taken by clients, something that no other company this size does. From the guides to the locals, the environment to the wildlife, employees to clients, our mission is to create a positive impact around the world through travel.
This year, we embarked on an exciting new project: the Jacada rebrand. By taking our company values (Foster Trust, Cultivate Connections, Lead the Way, Embrace Positivity and Be Mindful) and using them as the founding principles, we have built a Jacada that gives more than just incredible trips.
With a timely change of office coinciding with the rebrand, the combination of a new space and a new look finally gave us the opportunity to continue our move towards becoming a more sustainable and considerate travel company.
Working with companies of every size who share a similar ethos and vision, we have been meticulous in ethically sourcing all of our products, from the placemats to the meeting tables, for the new London office.

Local designers and architects Peldon Rose have carefully planned an inspiring space that reflects our ethos and brand. Most impressively, Forest to Home, who were initially contacted to create the striking timber meeting room tables, handcrafted 150 bespoke pieces of furniture, including all of the desks. Will and Sam from this Wiltshire-based company ethically source their materials; for this project, 275 new trees have been planted to ensure they give back more than they take.

Peeled from trees in the Mediterranean, sustainable and natural cork material adorns the boards and walkways. Natural fibre carpets without traces of harmful plastic and chemical are underfoot. The blinds are made from plastic recovered from the Mediterranean Sea, and the meeting booths are made from reconstituted nettles. Lastly, the lush green plants, a defining feature of the new office space, are preened weekly by garden specialists.

We have recreated a beautiful jungle in the city that aims to inspire and represent the growth of our brand, which is truly committed to sustainability and hopes to work with clients who share the same principles. If you’d like to swing by our new offices to say hi and see what we’re up to, do get in touch – we’d love to see you!