These Positive Impact Principles are the guidelines by which we assess all of our actions and policies, and a lens through which to view our interactions with clients, colleagues and suppliers alike.
Our adherence to these Principles will always be a work in progress as we strive to continue developing both our practice and the Principles themselves towards the greatest positive impact that we can have.
We are proud to work with various experts and organisations that inform the development of these Principles and to learn from others as we commit to this journey.
The Principles

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
In everything we do, both internally and externally, we are committed to upholding and modelling the following Principles:
- Across all interactions with employees (prospective, current and former) we aim to create a working environment that allows for and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion for all groups.
- In our itineraries we aim to share experiences that are representative of different voices, uplifting those that offer opportunity and inclusivity to all communities of varying genders, socio-economic backgrounds, races, age groups, abilities and beliefs.
- We provide ongoing education and support for all our team members around DE&I awareness to inform conduct in all interactions with clients, colleagues and suppliers.
- We commit to seeking out and championing suppliers who share our values and are committed to their own journeys of DE&I.

Environment and Climate
The choices we make have the potential to significantly impact the environment. Jacada Travel is committed to both mitigating the negative impact of our actions and maximising their potential positives. We strive to uphold the following in all of our activities and decision-making processes:
- The climate and the environment are to be considered major stakeholders in our business and decisions are made with this in mind.
- Through the partners we work with and as part of our parent, Wilderness Group we seek to increase conservation and regeneration of natural habitats and biodiversity across the globe.
- Jacada Travel commits to reducing waste and carbon emissions generated by the team and our representatives in a professional capacity.
- We are mindful of the carbon emissions and waste generated by the experiences and activities we offer our clients and prioritise the selection and recommendation of those that reduce this impact.
- We promote and use climate- and environmentally friendly products where possible across our operations.
- We aim to work with partners and suppliers that share these values.

Animal Welfare
The welfare of all living creatures is important and we recognise wildlife as an important stakeholder in our industry. Jacada Travel commits to work towards the following Principles in cases where animals are a part of any offered activity or experience:
- Physical interactions by guests with wild animals will not be offered.
- Jacada will not sell attractions that train or use wild animals for entertainment to pursue commercial gain.
- Where wild animals are in captivity for their benefit (for example in sanctuaries), Jacada will only work with not-for-profit facilities that prioritise the welfare of those animals.
- In cases where domesticated animals are involved in tourism (such as through horse riding) we will only work with suppliers where:
- The welfare of the animals is treated as a priority
- The tourism activity in question does not cause any harm to the animals
- Appropriate space is available for the animals
- Appropriate care is taken with the health and diet of the animals
- The animals’ welfare is never compromised for the entertainment or comfort of guests.

Supporting Communities
In all of our interactions with partners, suppliers and other stakeholders we seek to support and uplift those who:
- Support local and indigenous representation and respect the rights of indigenous and local communities in managing and promoting their traditions.
- Promote historical and cultural preservation.
- Provide economic support and empowerment by directing economic benefits to local communities.
- Support educational initiatives that provide a benefit to both travellers and local communities.

Child Safeguarding
With regards to any and all potential interactions with children, Jacada Travel commits to adhering to the following:
- Upholding our firm belief that children are not and should never be tourist attractions.
- Maintaining vigilant oversight of all activities and excursions where the potential exists to pose a risk to children.
- Respecting and upholding children’s right to privacy, including by limiting photography without express consent from an empowered parent/guardian.
- Providing ongoing education and training for all staff to continue to develop our knowledge in best practice for child safeguarding.
- Educating and empowering all parties to understand these Principles and our commitment to child safeguarding.
- Encouraging our partners to adhere to these same Principles.
Commitment to Ongoing Education
Jacada Travel is committed to educating our people and, where appropriate, our partners and clients about these Principles and their underlying issues. This is done through ongoing training and the provision of resources, both owned and shared.